Spirit of Christmas is the pinnacle of the show calendar for us and many other retailers alike not least for the mammoth task involved in getting the show on the road!
The show itself has changed and all the stands have been rejigged. We have lost our home of five years - conveniently next to the champagne bar (hic) - but not only have we embraced the change, we have run with it. A bigger (and better) stand warrants a new design. So the job begins!
After umpteen tester pots of grey we finally decided on 'just the right' shade for the wall - who knew it could be so hard! Scale drawings of the space are drawn to decide the perfect layout, samples are hung to check number of hangers and hanging order, the stock is picked and artwork selected both for impact and brand identity. Then there's packing. Well, to say that's a Herculean effort is no understatement!
Set up starts on the Saturday before the show. Dave the delivery guy had brilliantly unloaded the van prior to our arrival on the stand and then a game of 'sliding puzzle' begins as you move the tiles (or in our case rails, mirrors, shelving, and stock) round and round the stand until the 'finished image' appears. Lost hours spent hanging the artwork with your best friends spirit level and tape measure. Et voilà.
Welcome to our new home for the next seven days.
Come and see us at Stand M92.